by wisd | Nov 2, 2020 | Enneagram
Patriot Rebels value loyalty and security and are amazing team players. They like their lives to be consistent which gives them a feeling of safety. When they aren’t operating at their best they either become over-dependent or rebellious as a way of finding security...
by wisd | Nov 2, 2020 | Enneagram
Thinkers value privacy and their own space and they love appearing knowledgeable. At their best they can be genius thinkers. They solve the world’s problems and play out scenarios in their heads. When they aren’t operating at their best though, they are often loners...
by wisd | Nov 2, 2020 | Enneagram
Eccentrics are incredibly creative, often very artistic, highly emotional, and very big on relationships. They love being seen as different. Think of the stereotypical bohemian artist – that’s the eccentric type. When they aren’t operating at their best, they hate...
by wisd | Nov 2, 2020 | Enneagram
Three: Star/ Achiever Stars are visible achievers. They place a high level of importance on success and take pridein being the best at what they do. They’re highly charismatic, highly competitive, highly productive, and great at inspiringothers to operate at their...
by wisd | Nov 2, 2020 | Enneagram
Nurturers value people and love to be seen as generous and loving. They are amazing at looking after the needs of others, often at the expense of themselves. Think of the typical “earth mother” archetype – that’s a nurturer type. When they’re operating at their best,...