Perfectionists value being good. They are often very organized, structured, and highly
efficient in everything they do. They can be incredibly patient with others and make great
teachers. They also have a very strong moral barometer and can be seen championing

When they’re not operating at their best, they are addicted to being perfect. They are
perfectionists who hate being criticized and told they are wrong. So – they spend their
lives trying to be perfect to avoid getting criticized.

When they are not in a present, heart-felt space, they sabotage their intuition by filtering
the world through the eyes of:

  • What is good; or more specifically, what enables me to avoid looking bad?
  • What is right based on my view of perfection?
  • What makes me look perfect?
  • What enables me to take a self-righteous approach?
  • What follows the rules?
  • What helps me avoid criticism?

If the hunch they get doesn’t provide them with the complete picture or the perfect plan
or perfect conditions, they don’t act.