Thinkers value privacy and their own space and they love appearing knowledgeable. At their best they can be genius thinkers. They solve the world’s problems and play out scenarios in their heads.
When they aren’t operating at their best though, they are often loners who hate having their territory being invaded or having others expect too much of them. They also hate being ridiculed or deprived. They are addicted to self-sufficiency as their way of avoiding looking foolish.
Their intuitive sabotage mechanisms include asking questions like:
- What will enable me to stay distant from people?
- What will enable me to keep my space?
- What enables me to stay detached and uninvolved?
- What costs the least amount of money?
- What helps me keep my privacy?
- What stops me from being rejected?
- When they don’t act on their intuition it’s often because they’re afraid of risking getting too involved in a situation and being seen as a fraud.